Planter’s Hotel on Blake Street in the 1860s
Coraville was never a town or locale, it was simply the name of a Post Office. It was established on March 22, 1859 and began to function in June. The office was located in the Leavenworth & Pike’s Peak Express Company office on Blake Street in Denver City. However, no mails could be sent until a mail carrying contract was in place. The contract for mails between Salt Lake City and Leavenworth City did not include Coraville. In error, three mails were dispatched from Coraville as contract mails before the Express agent realized that they were not being paid for the service.
Only reported example with error of spelling
17 June 1859 Coraville, Kansas Territory to Pennsylvania
Error of spelling, final “E” of postmark missing, “Paid 3” rate handstamp